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Easy, Abundant & Simple Eating

Your path to finding food freedom through eating intuitively
Imagine if you could​

Eat what you want, when you wanted and not overthink it...

What if you could feel at ease around food and begin to trust your body?

Imagine if you could eat guilt-free and nourish yourself to be your best self?

​​If you’re tired of the food battles and trying to figure out what’s right for you and your body - ​this is your chance to walk another path. ​

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What does Food Freedom look like?

# waking up ready to

take on the day and feeling excited about your meals instead of worried

# Guilt-free eating

and feeling totally in control of your cravings, hunger and urges

# Keeping a bar of chocolate

without worrying that you will binge eat it all in one sitting

#Going out for dinner

and ordering what you feel like (rather than what you think you should eat)

# Moving your body

because it energises your body and makes you feel good

# Wearing clothes

that make you feel amazing and confident regardless of what body size you are

Hi, I'm Carla Johnson!

I'll also be your cheer squad, sounding board and loving nudge to get you moving forward to embrace a life that's free and fulfilling around food.

I've taken everything I've learned from my 15+ years of working 1:1 with hundreds of women to know the outdated, recycled ‘trending’ nutrition advice isn’t cutting it when you want to achieve long term change.

I’ve seen what happens when you go on, off, back on and then off diets again - it’s impacting our beliefs, relationship and choices around food and not for the better.

I want to put a stop to the endless cycling you think you (and the future generations) have to do and show you how you can eat in peace, through simple, easy nurturing advice.

I want all of this for you and I believe you can.

Next Start Date

Monday 17th March - Monday 19th May

Coaching calls will be held weekly on Monday nights @ 7:45pm

Here's what you get


→ Weekly group coaching calls with me to ask, reflect and work on the topic for the week

→ A wonderfully intimate community of women seeking to transform their relationship with food

→ Access is 100% online so you can be anywhere you like, wearing whatever you like!

→ 30+ videos and audios where I lead you step by step on how to become more intuitive with your eating habits

→ Oodles of worksheets to apply your learning in each module

→ Learn at your own pace, in your own time

Read more about the modules


PLUS a few extras to make sure you're supported every step of the way



Two 1:1 personal sessions with me

(valued at $350)

I want you to know that I've got your back, every step of the way. That's why I offer two personalised sessions with me so I can understand your story and goals you want to achieve from the E.A.S.E program.

  • Two x 30 minute sessions scheduled pre and post program
  • Sessions are online from the comfort and convenience of your home (or office!)
  • A way to share what's important to you, so I can support you in the best way possible
  • Just because it's a group, doesn't mean you get lost in the pack. I'm here for you, 100% of the way


Private Facebook Group

​(valued at $1,050)

The private facebook group will be exclusive to you and those in the current round of the program so it’s like having your own cheer squad who’s there to share the wins along the way and help you overcome challenges.

This is where you’ll go to get your most pressing questions answered quickly and accurately, learn how other women have implemented intuitive eating into their day, and bounce your thoughts in a safe and private space.

  • Inspiration each week tailored to the module you complete
  • A space to ask questions, celebrate your wins and share any hurdles you (and others!) might be experiencing at the time
  • Queries answered by me throughout the 12 weeks, giving you confidence that you have my expert knowledge and experience every step of the way ​​


Personal Keepsake Journal

(valued at $59.95)

Research shows us that keeping track of your thoughts and habits (like your food choices) is important to make change, and I’m NOT talking about the one that tells you your daily calorie intake. I'm a big believer in journalling to help you process and reflect your learnings as an intuitive eater.

  • A beautiful, paper based journal that's yours to own and confide in
  • Helps you to cement your newfound intuitive habits
  • No inputting of quantities or ingredient, only words of your own wisdom
  • Record the intuitive cues and feelings each time you eat
So here’s why I believe dieting is a massive problem:

Eating less than what your body needs is never a good idea

We are all programmed innately to find food in order to survive.

Each time you go on a diet this feeds the diet-binge-restrict cycle that leaves you feeling out of control, shameful and vulnerable to more crazy attempts to change your habits.

That's a HEAP of lost energy, headspace, time and money wasted and a body that's still undernourished and deprived of what it really needs.

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Let’s talk about all the things you’ve tried shall we?


You’ve tried low carb, high protein.

Then it was Keto. Paleo.

You even tried to track your macros.

Your doctor prescribed shakes, pills.

You're still stuck and unhappy, so where to next?
The thought of going on another diet makes your heart sink
You're not even sure where to start and that is exhausting (and overwhelming enough) before the diet's even begun. ​

Regardless of what type of diet you choose, they’re ALL restricting your calories in some shape or fashion.

It might promise to “stop diabetes” or “increase wellness” but the reality is,

95% of people can’t do it forever.


Ditch the diets today. Learn to eat with E.A.S.E


Next Start Date

Monday 17th March - Monday 19th May

Coaching calls will be held weekly on Monday nights @ 7:45pm


6 Monthly Payments of $280

(includes GST, AUD)

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PAY IN three

3 Monthly Payments of $560

(includes GST, AUD)

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One Upfront Payment of $1500

(includes GST, AUD)

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Here's why I believe Intuitive Eating is the best way forward to a healthy and happy life

Intuitive Eating is not a diet, because you don't have to miss out on your favourite (or forbidden) foods

The beauty of eating intuitively is that it’s a life skill that you can carry anywhere, anytime in your back pocket.  It’s a way of eating that you were born with, but somehow lost (thanks diet culture!).  Intuitive Eating is centred around listening to and trusting your intrinsic appetite cues.

There are NO strict rules that calls for cutting out foods or counting calories or macros. Just a more organic, natural way to choose food.

You'll be able to hang out around food with ZERO guilt, fear or shame

​Part of the intuitive process is making peace and building a positive relationship with ALL foods. Eating with intuition allows you to view foods as morally equal, taking the fear and shame away when you do want to eat something special. You’re probably thinking “but I need boundaries! I need rules! I’ll eat myself silly!” Yet, when you learn of the Deprivation Effect and the consequences it has on your decisions, you realise you can shift your mindset and trust in your choices.

Intuitive Eating has scientific research behind it (because that's important)

​If you’re a person who believes in science, be rest assured that this isn’t some frou-frou concept. More and more studies are proving how intuitive eating can achieve health outcomes like reducing blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar levels but more importantly, enable you to live a happier, balanced life: less disordered eating thoughts, more quality food choices, better body image and greater self confidence.

Eating is more than just knowing what to eat, you need to understand the ‘how’

​Eating is encompassed around social, emotional and physical layers which is why following a strict meal plan will never cut it. Notice how apple crumble brings memories back of your nan? Or how Bertie Beetles reminds you of the showbags at the Showground? Or having the intense craving for a bowl of vegetables after holidaying for weeks on end. As humans, we are programmed to survive and seek experiences that satisfy, and food is necessary in both of these scenarios. Therefore, trying to suppress or ignore what your body needs diminishes the complexity of who we are.

Wherever you are in your journey, E.A.S.E will help you rekindle your love for food

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E.A.S.E isn’t your generic nutrition program, it is a completely different approach to learn how you can nourish and look after your body to authentically live life to the fullest.


  • You'll learn the reasons behind everything you do and why you turn to food for comfort
  • Have the safe space, expert guidance and supportive
  • Be part of an intimate community to help you work through how to become an intuitive eater
  • Stop the need to look at another restrictive diet every again,
  • And eat with trust, enjoyment and E.A.S.E.

It’s time to get off the diet train & live happy whilst eating the foods you enjoy

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Still not convinced? 

That's OK - here's a few reasons that might be getting in the way


​You're in it for weight loss, and weight loss only

This is not to say weight loss isn’t important, but it’s the pursuit to be thinner that gets in your way of living your best life. You put off doing things until you’ve lost the first 10kg. But when that doesn't happen, the sense of failure becomes crippling and eventually, it feels too hard to take action.


If I'm not 100% committed, its not worth doing

Watch out for the All or Nothing trap! This is a common mistake people make when they are either “on” or “off” a diet, believing if you’re not 100% committed, then there’s no point. The problem with this is it stops you from even starting, which is holding you back from getting to where you want to be.


You think you need a meal plan

A plan helps - but only to some degree. You have your own tastes, schedule and cooking capabilities so how can a one-size-fits-all plan work for you (and the millions of other women)?

You might think you need a plan, but that’s because you’ve lost trust in yourself to know and honour what you really want.


If I eat less & move more then I'll be healthier

As an accredited dietitian, I completely understand the link between health and nutrition and eating in a balanced, nutritious way. However, the method of how you get there needs to be one that works with your lifestyle, not the other way around. Becoming an intuitive eater helps to rebuild a healthy relationship with food that empowers you to make the healthier food choice, more often, more innately (aka without the constant pressure to “be good”).


Here's a sneak peek into what you will learn on your path to becoming more intuitive with your eating


In module 1 it’s all about understanding what you believe now and why you believe it (thanks diets, social media and advertising machines). It’s about creating a calm and compassionate mindset, understanding your body and what you really want and setting yourself up for success rather than setting yourself up for failure.


Module 2 allows you to begin your path of reconnection to your body. You will learn how to listen, interpret and honour your body’s cues through two simple and practical tools.


It’s time to put down the fight. Module 3 allows you to elevate your relationship with food by letting go of one main thing - deprivation. Here you will being to recognise and untangle yourself from the tangle that food may have over you. Start repairing your food relationship by giving your body permission and realise the potential you have when you build trust in yourself.


In Module 4 it’s time to break up with those rules and pesky thoughts that no longer serve you. This modules helps you to identify the influences that are holding you back from living freely around food and in your body.


Your body has the ability to tell you when it’s had enough, it’s a skill you’ve since you were born. Module 5 continues to build on your innate connection by recognising when you’ve had enough to eat, and any potential interferers that might get in your way.


This is your time to pause, take a breath and ground yourself mid way through this program. This will be your chance to step back and review any topics you need more time to digest, catch up if life's been busy or just practicing "be-ing" by implementing all that you've learnt thus far. Sometimes it's nice not to be in a hurry all the time.


Module 7 explores body image and how you see yourself in the mirror. As hard as it it may be, you will gently begin to turn those nasty words into kind words and learn to show your body small acts of respect and self care to continue to nurture your journey to intuitive eating.


In this module, we explore the secret sauce to intuitive eating also known as the satisfaction factor. It's a concept that will help you reignite the enjoyment and passion for food, and understand how you can incorporate it into your choices to ensure you never fall out of love with food again.


Overcome your emotional eating by becoming empowered to recognise what's going on in the moment, and what you need in that exact moment. We will build your emotional muscle through identifying a pathway for you to lean on and reorient your food choice to ensure you're nourishing your body and soul - even when times are tough.


We end by wrapping the concepts and strategies of intuitive eating to other areas of your life; embracing enjoyable movement, establishing a sustainable self care routine and setting up other supports that can continue your path to eating (and living!) with intuition.

Imagine what the world would be like if...

you could have a peaceful, positive and nourishing life with food

That’s what I aim to achieve with E.A.S.E

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Frequently Asked Questions about the E.A.S.E program


Need help or got questions?

Email: [email protected]
Call: (03) 9720 0864